Download and read the YesMyPatent white paper “Industrial Property: The beauty sector innovates”.
Version updated on 23/02/2022 :
Enjoy 50 free pages dedicated to the cosmetics sector. Professionals discuss the challenges of innovation in the beauty sector.

Contents :
- Be innovative and promote your innovation
- Patents create value
- Expert opinion
- The patent reflex
- Is patent protection really a matter for large groups?
- Romy Cosmetics: The success story of a French SME
- 3 concrete cases of cosmetics patents by YesMyPatent
- Protecting your innovations and your business
- Biotech patents: patenting the living
- Communication to keep competitors at bay
- Communicating your monopoly
- Combating counterfeiting
- Use the right formulations
- Compliance with regulatory standards
- What does the future hold for the cosmetics industry?
- Cosmetic Valley: promoting French excellence
The speakers:
- Charles-Antoine Joly, Intellectual Property Lawyer, @MARK
- Xavier Guéant, Director of Legal Affairs, Fédération des Entrepreneurs de la Beauté
- Dr. Frédéric Caillaud, Chargé de mission for the World Intellectual Property Organization
- Morgan Acas, CEO of Romy
- Sophie Strobel, Beauty Consultant, SoCosmetic!
- Christophe Masson, Managing Director of the Cosmetic Valley competitiveness cluster