Industrial property attorneys are seasoned professionals, subject to the French Intellectual Property Code. Balancing his skills as a lawyer and an engineer, he is competent in patent law and regulations, and develops his expertise through his own technical and scientific specialties. This gives him or her all the knowledge needed to understand the invention, and to draft and file a patent application accordingly.
1 – CPI & Customized professional support
As a legal and technical expert, the Conseil en Propriété Industrielle (CP I) is a sought-after specialist in both industrial and intellectual property. Invention, patent, design, trademark, model or copyright, he adapts his strategy according to needs. Upstream, his training as a top-level engineer or university lecturer provides him with expertise in the technical field of invention.
With an engineering degree, Master’s 2 or Doctorate in Science, they also have solid legal skills via a University Diploma. Computer science, engineering, biochemistry, physics… there are many CPI graduates from top engineering schools. This diversity of backgrounds enables them to fully understand each invention, both its technical aspects and its industrial stakes:
- University degree such as Master 2 / Doctorate and/or engineering diploma,
- Diploma in patent law from CEIPI (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle),
- At least three years’ professional experience as a patent engineer in a specialized firm, under the supervision of a patent attorney.
- Examen de Qualification Français (with CNCPI and INPI –Institut national de la propriété industrielle).
It is only on completion of this course and qualification examination that the IP attorney can offer support to clients.
Please note: to be able to file a patent application abroad, and in particular with the European Patent Office (EPO), the CPI must also pass a European Qualifying Examination, which then enables him to register as a European Patent Attorney with the EPO.
2 – IPC & Strategic advice on protecting inventions
To ensure a company’s long-term future and optimize its revenues, it is essential to adopt a global strategy for the protection of inventions. That’s where the vision of an Industrial Property Attorney comes in handy.
Country where to file the patent, anticipating the costs of filing, granting and annual patent fees, attacking an infringer, how to value an invention at the right price, … His past experience and legal training give the CPI all the legitimacy to establish the best strategy for protecting and valuing inventions. This detailed action report may include a prior art search, apatentability study, or a study of the validity of a similar patent filed by another person.
Read: Validity study, the trump card of negotiation.
Subsequently, to give or obtain the rights to use a patent, the CPI, an industrial property expert, can – at the request of the patent owner – draw up a license agreement or a patent assignment agreement in due and proper form.
3 – CPI & Expertise to optimize costs
A patent attorney is an expert specially trained in patent law. Known to most companies, he is the unique and legitimate professional to call upon when drafting a patent, reducing procedural delays and optimizing patent filing costs. There are several reasons for this:
- Technicity and detailed knowledge of a particular field of activity,
- Mastery of the steps involved in preparing and drafting patents,
- A network offering fast response times and negotiated rates, thanks to partnerships with international CPI firms, translators, lawyers…
- Support in negotiating and drafting contracts with your partners
- Ability to draft intellectual property reports, documents and contracts.
- Global vision of intellectual property strategy
As part of an industrial property strategy, the IPC can advise you on the right procedures to be carried out, and at the right time. For example, in the case of a technical solution that could quickly become obsolete, the IPC can advise you to apply for a utility certificate instead of a patent. Similarly, could your start-up company, with a reduced budget, benefit from the provisional patent recently created following the Loi Pacte?
4 – CPI & Insurance for a consulting firm
When it comes to legislation, nothing could be truer than “strength in numbers”, when it comes to a subject as potentially complex as the drafting and filing of patent applications. Here again, calling on the services of an industrial property attorney offers multiple advantages.
As part of a firm of patent attorneys, CPIs work alongside other trained professionals on a daily basis, with whom they can share skills, brainstorm, and keep abreast of industrial, case law and legal developments. Patent engineers with different scientific backgrounds can combine their skills to tackle complex issues affecting several technical fields, such as bioinformatics inventions.
Another advantage of the “Cabinet de Conseils” is that it is a complete and functional structure, capable of handling the entire procedure involved in filing patent applications. From the patentability study, through filing in France, Europe or abroad, to monitoring payment of the annual patent maintenance fee, the patent agent establishes a tailor-made strategy. He manages deadlines and keeps track of progress using professional databases, thus ensuring the integrity of information and the monitoring of procedures. The CPI also works in partnership with lawyers specialized in intellectual property to defend the interests of its clients through contract negotiation, or the implementation of procedures in the event of infringement.
Did you know?
As a regulated professional, industrial property attorneys are bound by secrecy and are legally obliged to take out specific professional indemnity insurance.
5 – CPI & transparency in a digitalized practice
Approved by theINPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle), theEPO (European Patent Office) and the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), YesMyPatent’s services offer the transparency and fluidity of a digital consulting firm. An innovative service for inventors looking for comprehensive, personalized support, the digitization of the patent attorney’s office enables permanent contact to be maintained between the IPC and the applicant. Questions and requests for quotations can be submitted at any time and from anywhere, in France or abroad.
YesMyPatent also has an extensive network of international partners to support and monitor all patent applications filed abroad.
And every patent application is included in an all-inclusive package at no extra cost. Whether you’re a company, start-up, small business, SME or independent inventor, with YesMyPatent, you benefit from fair prices, fast response times and always know what to expect. You can budget your industrial property strategy easily and without surprises, thanks to a free online cost simulator.