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Avenues for controlling Apple’s autonomous cars

Autonomous cars will undoubtedly be part of the future of both public and private transport, and it would seem that Apple intends to play a part in this. In fact, in addition to having 45 autonomous vehicles currently under test (more than Google!), the company has filed a patent application in the United States in which we learn how the user could give his orders to his car.

No steering wheel, no driving, just intentions

There’s absolutely no question of Apple providing the user with a steering wheel or pedals, or allowing him or her to drive the car. In fact, the patent describes how the user could communicate his or her intentions (such as pulling into a parking space within sight or close to a point of interest). Several methods are described, depending on the situation, three of which are particularly interesting.

Pointing to your parking space

Arriving at a destination (such as a shopping mall), the user could tell his car to “park there” while gesturing to a free parking space by holding up his smartphone. The car would then ensure that the user is authorized to give it such an order, and use its navigation systems to park in the designated spot.

Give a more or less precise vocal command

The patent also provides for the user to be able to give purely vocal orders, with varying degrees of precision. Thus, a user who wants a coffee could just as easily give an address to go to as say “I’d like a coffee” and trust the on-board computer to take him to a shop where coffee is sold. Of course, this last possibility raises the question of the neutrality of the choice (or proposal of choice) made by the computer. On arriving at the shopping mall, it could also say “park near the order collection area”, and the car would then search, thanks to its cameras and all its sensors, for a sign indicating this area.

Reposition the vehicle with a simple gesture

Apple’s patent application also envisages that the authorized user will be able, via a simple gesture, to move the car slightly in order, for example, to reposition it if necessary to enter or exit the vehicle.

More discreet than its competitors, led by Google and Uber, Apple, as usual, is quietly developing innovations, after telephony and watches, now in autonomous cars. When will we see an ICar?

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