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Home » FAQ : How do I fill out a Soleau envelope?

FAQ : How do I fill out a Soleau envelope?

As the Soleau envelope is used to date your creations, you need to insert all the elements you wish to date (time-stamp). The envelope has two compartments, one for INPI and one for you. Inside, you insert what you wish to date in the form of a textual description or a 2D reproduction (drawing, diagram, photo…). Both compartments must contain exactly the same documents. To avoid damage during INPI time-stamping perforation, the envelope must not contain any “hard objects” (cardboard, staples, CDs, etc.), nor be too thick (no more than 5 mm, i.e. around 7 A4 pages). If the envelope cannot be perforated, it will not be registered and will be returned at your expense. Theelectronic Soleau envelope makes the process easier. Filing is done in just a few clicks, directly online. We’ll help you define and implement your time-stamping strategy.Time-stamping a document via the Blockchain is also one of the alternatives you can use. All you have to do is go to in the Time-stamping section.

Read more:

Video : Is a Soleau envelope enough to protect you?


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