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Home » Walmart may want to replace bees

Walmart may want to replace bees

The work of bees is indispensable to agriculture and the maintenance of biodiversity. If their hypothetical disappearance is a source of great concern in environmental circles and for the general public in general. Walmart may well see this as an opportunity, or at least a solution, should these insects become extinct.

Drones: the new insects?

Against this backdrop, Walmart has filed a patent application for drones that could fetch pollen from a first flower and then deposit it on a second. The application specifies that one or more drones could be used. These would also be equipped with a sensor to ensure that the pollen has been deposited on the target plant.

Control food production

If the use of such robots were to become necessary for agriculture, the question of control over food production would have to be raised. Walmart could then control the entire production and sales chain, including what used to be nature’s work. Nevertheless, this innovation could make us less dependent on the ravages of nature.

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