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FAQ : What is an incubator?

An incubator is a support structure for business creation, helping to transform an innovative idea into a successful company.

There are many different types of incubator:

  • with public funding,
  • with private funding,
  • through mixed financing.

Incubators are designed to enhance regional attractiveness and promote innovation. In some cases, incubators specialize in specific sectors, creating teams capable of providing even more relevant support to young companies and startups (digital, robotics, defense, agronomy, biochemistry, etc.).

Incubators are accredited by the European Union and supported by the European Commission (EC) via the EBN European network.

An incubator generally offers personalized support, access to premises and equipment, and access to a network of partners, customers and former incubatees. Incubators offer calls for projects, to which entrepreneurs and project leaders apply to pitch their ideas. This application phase enables incubators to identify high-potential startups.

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