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Home » FAQ : When should I apply for a patent?

FAQ : When should I apply for a patent?

The timing of procedures and the respect of deadlines for issuing and maintaining an industrial property title are very important. It is advisable to file a patent as soon as the technical solution is sufficiently mature to establish the patent claims: the description of the elements protected by the industrial property title.

It is these claims that establish the legal framework for protecting innovation.

Alternatively, you can take out a provisional patent or a utility certificate. The provisional patent is particularly interesting as it allows you to develop a prototype while giving you 12 months to evaluate the market potential of your innovation.

Provisional patenting is an interesting strategy for getting a date quickly.

Important: time-stamping methods(Soleau, bailiff’s deposit, time-stamping via Blockchain), are not industrial property titles. They are insufficient to claim a monopoly, but they do date the progress of your work to attest to its anteriority.

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