An IP audit is essential for any company wishing to maximize the value of its intellectual assets while minimizing the associated risks.
Transform your business strategy with an IP audit.
IP Audit & Due diligence
Evaluate and optimize your intellectual property
A PI audit to secure your growth
The key to success for executives and legal managers
Identify your most valuable assets.
Strengthen your position in relation to your competitors with your industrial property.
Detect gaps in your IP strategy.
Prevent rather than cure: assess the risks, and implement solutions adapted to the degree of urgency.
Tailor-made for your company
your IP strategy adapts to the realities of your business
why carry out due diligence?
Consolidate corporate strategy
Facilitates strategic decision-making by providing a clear and comprehensive view of your IP assets.
Secure your fundraising
An IP audit report is often required by investors to ensure that your intellectual assets are well protected and managed.
Ensure consistency of actions
Confirms that the company’s past and future actions are aligned with a solid, coherent IP strategy.
What does a PI audit report contain?
- Identifying your IP assets
- Highlighting IP assets Patent, trademarks, designs, domain names, software….
- Analysis of employee invention policy
- Analysis of employment contracts, collective agreements and verification of compliance with legislation on inventions made by an employee inventor (inventive mission, additional remuneration, etc.).
- Contracts Analysis of IP-related contracts signed by your company (NDA, research collaboration, service provision, consortium…)
- Freedom to operate Verification that you have carried out a study of the freedom to operate your products in relation to existing third-party patents in the territory in which you operate.
- Valorization Evaluation of ways to valorize your invention (optional)
Who can carry out a PI audit?
An IP audit must be carried out by a certified IP professional who is competent to perform this strategic task. At YesMyPatent, our team of experts has carried out over fifty audits and is registered with the BPI and INPI.
How much does a PI audit cost?
The cost of a PI audit ranges from from €4,000 to €10,000 excluding VAT. However, the BPI (Banque Publique d’Investissement) can help you by covering up to 80 % of audit costs! For more information, visit their offer to diagnose intellectual property strategy.