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Out-of-court dispute resolution

(SmartNégo® and SmartVerdict®)

Find a rapid solution to your intellectual property disputes: counterfeiting,
service provision, collaboration, licensing, employee invention.

Get out of conflict situations quickly and cost-effectively

YesMyPatent is the industrial property firm that helps companies protect their interests and develop their business.
We give you the keys to protecting your inventions, and guide you through conflict situations.

Legal proceedings are perceived to be too long and costly, and recourse to the courts will be put aside because of the complexity and cost of the process.
In the interests of our customers, and yours, we have sought out solutions and partnered with SmartNego® and SmartVerdict®.
These solutions developed by Néo-Justice offer optimized dispute resolution thanks to a unique, innovative technology designed to speed up the resolution of conflicts.

The partnership between NeoJustice and YesMyPatent combines our lawyers’ expertise in preventing and resolving disputes with our know-how in industrial property.

The combination of YesMyPatent’s recognized expertise in IP (Ranking 2024 Leaders League “Strong Notoriety”) and Neo-Justice’s innovations enables you to control the costs of your legal procedures: you spend less time on them, with a controlled budget.

A competitive arbitration solution for companies

Neo-Justice’s services are perfectly in line with YesMyPatent’s commitments to its customers:
  • simplified procedures,
  • reactivity,
  • competitive expertise .
That’s why we’ve chosen to introduce you to this new face in mediation procedures.

The advantages of this new legal solution

Simple and intuitive, Neo-Justice’s 100% online platform considerably reduces procedural delays. Litigation now takes from a few days to a maximum of 2 months, and all at lower cost. Neo-Justice enables companies to simplify and optimize the management of their patent litigation.

More information

Counterfeiting, lack of assignment of economic rights despite the provision of services, disagreements within the framework of a collaboration… These are examples of situations that lead to disputes and litigation. Despite the presence of contracts and clauses dedicated to intellectual property, conflicts can arise that require the intervention of competent and authorized individuals.

Disagreements over patent licenses, or the interpretation of an employee invention policy when there has been an innovation within the company, are also contentious cases.

The rapid resolution of these disagreements also enables companies to move on quickly to the next stage in their growth plans, without having to completely block a situation or the progress of a project because of an ongoing dispute.

How do I know if a patent application has already been filed?
You can ask for an out-of-court settlement with the other party, or request a decision within 2 months. The latter will have the same value as a judgment, without having to go through a long and often costly trial. To do this, SmartVerdict® settles the dispute once both parties have agreed to use this innovative solution.

At this point, a partner lawyer ensures the formal legal validity of the document, so that our partner Neo-Justice can settle the dispute. Once the files have been drawn up by the parties, the Arbitral Tribunal examines them in order to render a decision that takes the same value as a judgement in 2 months.

Why does a lawyer need a patent attorney to defend a client in a dispute or litigation?

A lawyer specialized in industrial property or intellectual property is qualified to represent and defend his client in court. However, technical cases also require the intervention of an industrial property attorney. The latter has dual skills: legal and technical. More specifically, in most cases, an IP attorney is an expert in a specific technical field. This enables him/her, for example, to identify which points fall within the scope of innovation according to the state of the art, or whether an infringement is really an infringement according to the claims of a patent.