Are you passionate about innovation, cutting-edge technical fields and want to see a diversity of innovative projects on a daily basis? Perhaps your vocation is to become a patent attorney! It’s an ideal career path for highly qualified people in scientific fields who are looking to put their knowledge to good use in the field of innovation.
Become a patent attorney
Two professions are available to provide advice on industrial property law. Apatent attorney is a legal expert who specializes in patent law, defending his client’s interests. In litigation or infringement cases, the patent attorney has the appropriate expertise. His work is often complemented by that of a patent attorney.
Industrial property attorneys have dual skills. They are experts in patent law, like attorneys at law, in the procedures involved in obtaining industrial property titles, and they also have technical expertise, most often an engineering diploma (also known as apatent engineer ). Thanks to these dual skills, the IP attorney (or CPI) is able to draft a patent for an inventor. The content of the patent describes the invention and complies with all the criteria required to ensure the granting of the title.
The career of an industrial property attorney
This regulated profession requires specific training before being able to practice and advise inventors and companies.
1 – Technical diploma
You need training in the technical field that will make you an expert. Computer science, industrial biology, aeronautics, immunology, nanotechnology… IP attorneys have a degree that validates their technical competence. A Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorate or engineering degree ensures that the inventor has knowledge of the field in which the patent is to be drafted.
The Centre d’études internationales de la propriété industrielle(see website) trains patent professionals. CEIPI is part of the University of Strasbourg, and offers degree courses such as patent engineer:
- D.U. Patents in Long Cycle (one academic year)
- D.U. Brevets d’invention en Cycle Accéléré (approximately one week per month during an academic year, alternating with a job)
3 – Patent engineer
After CEIPI, IP attorneys must have worked for at least 3 years in a law firm or in industry as patent engineers, under the supervision of an IP attorney. Proficiency in a foreign language, usually English, is often required to analyze prior art and thus enable patentability studies to be carried out and patents to be drafted.
An entry-level patent engineer can expect to earn a gross salary of between €30,000 and €40,000.
4 – IP consultancy: a qualification for setting up in business
After a minimum of 3 years, the title of Industrial Property Attorney (Conseil en Propriété Industrielle) is acquired after passing an examination at theINPI. A qualified IP attorney can represent clients before the INPI and set up his or her own firm, or become a partner in an existing firm.
4 – Becoming a European representative
Most companies want to protect their invention outside France, and at least in Europe. To apply for a European patent, you need a European patent attorney. Its accreditation by the EPO (European Patent Office) enables it to assist you in protecting your invention in the European Union and even beyond (Switzerland, Turkey…).
Read more: Where can I find a patent agent?
As a European Patent Attorney, you can work throughout Europe, where there are many vacancies and few trained candidates. It is possible to be a European Patent Attorney without being a French IP attorney, and vice versa, as the 2 diplomas are independent. However, it is advisable to take the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) in addition to the French IP Attorney exam (EQF), and obtain this dual qualification.
An IP attorney with the qualification of European Patent Attorney and around ten years’ experience can earn a gross salary of between €80,000 and €120,000.
There are several EQE training centers for European patent attorneys throughout Europe. ASPI and CEIPI offer excellent training courses. Please note, however, that a very good command of English or German is required to pass this European exam.
Did you know? is a service of Touroude & Associates, a firm of INPI-accredited IP attorneys and EPO-accredited European agents. Its founder Magali Touroude is a tutor for EQE training courses.
Who are IP consultants?
The Compagnie nationale des conseils en propriété industrielle (CNCPI) brings together French professionals. Of the more than 1,000 people listed, only 650 (as of January 2018) specialize in patent filing. The rest are lawyers specialized in trademarks, designs and models.
These professionals are mainly based in Paris (45%).
These figures make a digital offering like YesMyPatent particularly relevant, giving everyone access to professional support in protecting their invention.