To be sure of being able to communicate on your innovation, and under what conditions, call on the services of an Industrial Property Attorney.
Make an appointment!
Filing a patent enables you to protect products, processes, technologies… What you patent will be made public 18 months after the filing date. The skill of the patent attorney who drafts the patent enables you to describe the invention sufficiently, while protecting it broadly so that counterfeiters cannot easily circumvent the patent. The claims of your patent are therefore of great importance, as they define the perimeter of what is protected by your industrial property title.
Communicating on the elements that make up your patent can be truly strategic. And remember, once published, your patent application can be easily found on search engines like Google!
Announcing that you hold a patent, and revealing some of your specific features, is a real asset for your communication. Whether you’re advertising to prospective customers or to financial partners, you’ll have real arguments at your disposal. You highlight what makes you unique in your market.
With a patent, you can impress the gallery!
Make yourself known to investors and financial partners
Your patent contains a wide range of information. It sets out the technical problems you are solving, a detailed description of your invention and the conditions under which it will be carried out. New investors and financial partners will be more inclined to follow you if they understand the added value of your invention, embodied in a legal title and therefore reproducible whatever happens to you, or assignable in the event of a financing need. By way of comparison, a patent is seen as life insurance for the investor from whom you are asking for funds.
If you want to take part in invention competitions, your work will be showcased in front of a large number of professionals and potential investors. You’ll be communicating your innovation in a public way. There are a few precautions you need to take! Did you know that the Concours Lépine makes it a condition of entry that you have an industrial property strategy?
Read more: Invention competitions: beware of disclosure!
A patent as proof of your growth potential
A patent brings real value to your company. On the one hand, from a financial point of view, and on the other, it reflects your growth potential. Holding exclusive rights to your innovation is a trump card for your business!
With a monopoly of exploitation, you show that you have a genuine desire to innovate in your field, while preventing your competitors from copying you. A company with a certain number of patents is perceived as dynamic, innovative and with the resources to invest in research and development, while keeping the competition at bay.
By putting competitors at a distance with your industrial property title, you’ll make a name for yourself in your market!
Read more: Innovation and artificial intelligence at Kiwatch
Use the right wording! Illegal use of the word “patented”, for example, exposes you to claims of unfair competition. To display this term, you must have officially obtained your industrial property title. Filing a patent application is not enough! The term “patent application filed” is preferable.
Deter the competition by asserting your rights
Publicizing a patented technology allows you to demonstrate publicly that you have an advantage over your competitors. This can discourage others from using technologies that are too similar, at the risk of being accused of counterfeiting.
Did you know? This monopoly situation could even enable you to offer licenses for your patents! Negotiating licensing agreements for patent holders is a real lever for growth and revenue generation…
Read more: The validity study: the trump card of negotiation
Seducing consumers
The mass-market era is over. To win over new consumers, you need to differentiate yourself. Your patent application is the first step. Once the industrial property title has been obtained, your solutions are perceived positively by customers. For them, you now have a unique and innovative product. And, if they’re convinced by this exclusivity, you’ll be able to keep them loyal for as long as your patent remains valid, because they won’t find the same thing anywhere else.
Almost unusually, MAC Cosmetics uses the word ” Patent” in the name of one of its products. The product description refers to an “innovative formula”. In this case, the brand is relying on innovation to attract customers by always being on the cutting edge! However, the term has not been translated in the French version of this gloss.
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Invention competitions: beware of disclosure!
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